Sample Website

This is Page 1

Page 1

Also known as Home page, main page, or landing page.
In most cases, and for good practice, it should be named 'index.html'

This is a very basic sample website for future use (nothing fancy).
To be used by me or whoever else wants to use it.
Made for practice. Also, as an example for others to learn from and/or use.

This is a three column layout, meaning there are three columns.
One on the left, one in the middle, one on the right.
The column on the left contains the Menu/links.
The middle column is for the main content.
The right column for whatever else.

If you happen to come across this and want to use it,
for GitHub Pages, or for whatever else, go right ahead, that's fine with me.
It's not all that great, I haven't done any html/css in a while,
but it's a start. I may or may not be working on it
from time to time. We shall see.

Of course, you can change any part of this site to your liking.
Background color, text color, font-family, font-size, etc.
I just wanted to get a basic layout started.

I have not done so yet, but I plan on including some comments
in the HTML and CSS files for easier understanding of whats going on.

Comments can be used as small notes (to self and others) to name functions
or explain what a function does.
Comments can also be used to hide/disable code temporarily, that you dont want
enabled at the moment.

Sometimes I do this because I want to keep snipplets of code in place
but not use them at the time, kind of a save for later type thing I guess.

HTML Comment:
<!-- This is a html comment -->

CSS Comment:
/* This is a css comment */

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Updates & Other Notes
(in descending order)

Update 5 - Mar 25th, 2023
Small changes here and there. Fixed some typos and other little things.

Update 4 - Nov 11, 2022
Uploading files to GitHub.

Update 3 - Oct 31, 2022
GitHub Pages? Yes you can absolutely use this for GitHub Pages. Short guide on how to do that on page 2.

Update 2 - Oct 30, 2022
At first, this was a 2 column layout, but because I had a lot of space on the right side (almost equal to left) I added a 3rd column here, which turned out for the better since I am actually using it now.

Update 1 - Oct 29, 2022
Eventually I will put any updates and other notes here, in descending order (most recent at top).